sreda, 25. april 2018

Nezaupanja vredne konference

Po vzoru portala, ki vam je v pomoč za preverjanje nazaupanja vrednih revij Think.Check.Submit, je na spletu objavljen nov portal za preverjanje konferenc Think. Check. Attend .
Če se udeležujete konferenc v tujini, vam svetujemo, da pred prijavo preverite ali gre za zaupanja vredno konferenco.

petek, 9. februar 2018

Nov seznam revij BIBLIO-A za leto 2017


Obveščamo vas, da smo namestili nove sezname revij, ki so v letu 2017 vključene v mednarodne bibliografske baze podatkov in se upoštevajo pri vrednotenju raziskovalne uspešnosti (BIBLIO-A).

Lep pozdrav!
IZUM - Institut informacijskih znanosti
Prešernova ulica 17 | 2000 Maribor
T: +386 2 25 20 331 | F: +386 2 25 26 336 | |

petek, 2. februar 2018

Zapisnik sestanka s predstavniki OSIC-ev in ARRS-ja, 30. 11. 2017

The number and proportion of freely available articles is growing; reaching 45% of the literature published in 2015

The number and proportion of freely available articles is growing; reaching 45% of the literature published in 2015 (Juan Pablo Alperin)

Using open data and open services, a large-scale study of the state of open and free access has found both the number and proportion of articles freely available to the public is growing, having reached 45% of the literature published in 2015. Juan Pablo Alperin reveals more about this study and suggests we are at the beginning of a new era of large-scale, big data research on the state of scholarly publishing and public access to research. Services such as Unpaywall allow us to see what research people are trying to access, as well as that which is already freely available, and this again shows almost half of overall demand being met by some type of open access.